Welcome to I.W.F.A
The International Women’s Fishing Association was established in 1955 to promote women’s fishing in an arena primarily dominated by men. Over the years it has become one of women’s most prestigious fishing clubs, setting the standards for conservation and promoting angling competition among women. To help further one of its chartered objectives, the field of conservation, the IWFA established the IWFA Scholarship Trust to provide financial aid to marine science graduate students.
The IWFA adopted the International Game Fish Association species list in 2004 affording members worldwide an opportunity to compete in their own backyards. The IWFA Tournament schedule includes three or more release tournaments each year with members traveling to destinations such as Louisiana, Guatemala, Mexico, and the Florida Keys for the opportunity to compete against their fellow women anglers. All club tournaments are release-only.
IWFA members love nothing more than getting together to fish with each other. IWFA “Funaments” combine both and have become a welcome addition to the tournament schedule! Organized by local members to fish their home waters, Funaments are small on rules and big on fun. Funaments have become a big part of the IWFA event calendar with members visiting members in Vero, Palm Beach, Boca Grande and Islamorada, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee and North Carolina.
Today you will find IWFA members fishing on piers, beaches, lakes, and rivers from pangas, skiffs, and sportfishing boats of all sizes as they compete for IWFA monthly and annual awards based on release catches from the IGFA species list. And for those lady anglers who compete for IGFA World Records, there are also opportunities to earn IWFA club records and corresponding awards. In order for a club record to be rewarded, the angler must first apply and receive a record from the IGFA. We're proud to acclaim that we have over 100 combined weight and length record winners in our club!